Urban planning

Nos services / Urbanisme


To consult the Geographic Information System (G.I.S.) of the MRC des Collines-de-L'Outaouais, click here.


A cartographic tool in which you can find:

  • The revised land use and development plan allocation
  • Zoning grid
  • Lot perimeter
  • Lot area
  • Natural constraints
  • Mass movement zones
  • General assessment unit information

To consult Cartovista, click here.

Projet de refonte

Lien vers la nouvelle carte de zonage pour le projet de refonte: Plan urbanisme 2024 | CartoVista

Règlement 10-24 – Plan d’urbanisme et annexes

Règlement 11-24 – Zonage et annexes

Règlement 12-24 – Construction

Règlement 13-24 – Lotissement

Règlement 14-24 – Permis et certificats

Veuillez noter que les grilles actuellement disponibles sont fournies à titre informatif et consultatif pour les citoyens et n’ont pas encore de caractère officiel. Les règlements 10-24 à 14-24 sont disponibles uniquement en français.

Permits and certificates


To apply for a permit, you must always complete the appropriate permit application form and submit it to the Planning Department. 

Online permit application

To apply for a permit, please click here.

N.B. Please note: A permit cannot be guaranteed until a formal application is completed. Applicable fees must be paid prior to any consideration of the application.


Other documents may also be required depending on the nature of the application. To discuss your project, please contact the Urban Planning Department by phone at 819-455-2401 or by e-mail, please click here.

Signage / billboards

Applicable fees: 50,00 $


Documents to provide:

  • Permit application form
  • Site plan or sketch that shows where it will be located on your property
  • A photo, an example or a sketch of what will be installed



Applicable fees: 25,00 $


Documents to provide:

  • Permit application form
  • Site plan or sketch that shows where it will be located on your property
  • A photo, an example or a sketch of what will be installed



Applicable fees: 25,00 $


Documents to provide:

  • Permit application form
  • Site plan or sketch that shows where it will be located on your property
  • A photo, an example or a sketch of what will be installed



Applicable fees: 100,00 $


Documents to provide:

  • Permit application form
  • Construction plan to scale
  • Site plan


Applicable fees: 100,00 $


Documents to provide:

  • Permit application form
  • Construction plan to scale
  • Site plan

Building relocation

Applicable fees: 50,00 $


Documents to provide:

  • Permit application form
  • Construction plan to scale
  • Site plan


Applicable fees: 25,00 $


Documents to provide:

  • Permit application form
  • Construction plan to scale
  • Site plan


Applicable fees: 50,00 $


Documents to provide:

  • Permit application form
  • Construction plan to scale
  • Site plan

Secondary building

Applicable fees: 50,00 $


Documents to provide:

  • Permit application form
  • Construction plan to scale
  • Site plan
  • Appendix B (secondary building section)

Secondary agricultural building WITHOUT animals

Applicable fees: 50,00 $


Documents to provide:

  • Permit application form
  • Construction plan to scale
  • Site plan
  • Appendix B (secondary building section)

Secondary agricultural building WITH animals

Applicable fees: 150,00 $


Documents to provide:

  • Permit application form
  • Construction plan to scale
  • Site plan
  • Appendix B (secondary building section)
  • Specify the type of animals
  • Specify the number of animals


Applicable fees: 50,00 $


Documents to provide:

  • Site plan or sketch that shows the location of the building or section of building to be demolished.

Mobile canteen/cafeteria

Documents to provide:

  • Please contact the Planning Department to discuss your project.

Septic installation

Applicable fees: $600.00 ** A refund will be issued upon receipt of the Certificate of Compliance. **


Documents to provide:

  • Septic system design report produced by a specialist.


Applicable fees: $250.00 **a refund of $100 will be given upon receipt of the drilling certificate.**


Documents to provide:

  • A site plan showing the separation distances from any neighbouring septic systems.

New Construction

Applicable fees: The applicable fees will have to be analyzed according to the living area.


Documents to provide:

  • The permit application form (indicating that the application is for a new construction, well and septic system permit).
  • Construction plan to scale
  • Site plan prepared by a land surveyor.
  • Septic system design report (the plan must indicate where the well will be located).

Note: If your new construction is located in the Domaine des chutes, please refer to the By-law concerning site planning and architectural integration programs (PIIA).

Pool and Spa

Applicable fees: 50,00 $


Documents to provide:

  • Permit application form
  • Appendix B (pool and spa section)
  • Site plan
  • Photo of the type of pool or spa that will be installed

Work in a wetland or riparian area

Applicable fees: Please contact the Planning Department to discuss your project.


Documents to provide:

  • Permit application form
  • Report produced by a biologist

Purchase of land or property


In order to choose the land or property you wish to purchase, it is important to verify all relevant information on the property in question with the Urban Planning Department of the Municipality of Pontiac, for example:


  • Is your intended use permitted under the zoning bylaw?
  • Does the size of the lot meet the standards?
  • Are there any special conditions for obtaining a building permit (PIIA)?
  • Are there any physical constraints such as a watercourse, wetland, landslide area, railroad, or easement that would impede or prevent construction?
  • Has the lot been the subject of a subdivision permit?
  • Is the lot part of a municipally approved subdivision project?
  • Does the targeted lot have sufficient access to a municipal or private road?
  • Does the property have a septic system that meets the standards?
  • If a building already exists, is it in accordance with the use you want to make of it?


Note: If you are not the owner of the land or property, and you want information that is not already public, you will need a written power of attorney from the owner to access the information in the file. The Municipality will not disclose any information otherwise (in reference to the Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information).

Particular properties

Minor variance

A minor variance is an exception procedure established by way of a bylaw under which the municipal Council can authorize the carrying out of proposed work or the regularization of work in progress or that has been completed, which does not comply with all provisions of the zoning or subdivision by-law.

A minor variance is definitely not :

  • An incentive to break the rules
  • A way to circumvent the regulations
  • A way to legalize an error that occurred during construction


To submit an application

The application for a minor variance must be submitted to the Urban Planning Department. The application form must be submitted along with the required fees. You may also attach an explanatory letter if you wish.

Other documents may also be required depending on the nature of the application. To discuss your project, please contact the Urban Planning Department by phone at 819-455-2401 or by e-mail at urbanisme@municipalitepontiac.ca.

Application form for a minor variance

Once your application has been received, the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) will make a recommendation for each application, for consideration by the municipal Council. Since a variance may be "minor" in some situations and "major" in others, each file will be evaluated individually.

An analysis fee (non-refundable) is applicable to any application for a minor variance, whether or not it is granted by Council.

Criteria for evaluating an application for a minor variance

  • A minor variance to the zoning or subdivision by-law must respect the objectives of the master plan.
  • A minor variance may only be granted if the application of the zoning or subdivision by-law would cause serious harm to the person requesting the variance.
  • A minor variance shall not be granted if it affects the enjoyment by the owners of neighbouring properties of their property rights.
  • A minor variance may be granted for work in progress or already completed, where such work has been the subject of a building permit and has been done in good faith.
  • In the case where work has been the subject of a building permit and has been carried out in good faith, an application for a minor variance is admissible.

Planning Advisory Committee (PAC)

The Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) is responsible for assisting the municipal Council in the development and monitoring of its planning policy.

It studies, researches and submits recommendations on all subjects and documents it receives by the municipal Council relating to urban planning, heritage, urban design, zoning, subdivision, signage, minor variances, site planning and architectural integration plans, comprehensive development plans and recreational pathways of the integrated development plan.

The Committee shall provide an opinion on any application for a minor variance, any site plan and architectural interpretation plan and any comprehensive development plan, in accordance with the Act respecting land use planning and development.

It reports its observations and recommendations for the development and most rational use of the Municipality's territory to the municipal Council.

The Committee is responsible for reviewing subdivision proposals and reporting to Council.

It evaluates the content of the master plan and the urban planning bylaws, considering the evolution of the context, the municipal needs, and the MRC's land use plan, and proposes consequential amendments and additional draft bylaws, as required.

The Committee's studies, recommendations and opinions shall be submitted to the municipal Council in the form of minutes signed by the Committee's Chair and Secretary.

Subdivision and cadastral operations

A subdivision or a cadastral operation consists of the modification of one or more lots on the Quebec cadastral plan. All requests such as the division and/or re-division, modification or cancellation of lots must be done with a land surveyor.

Your surveyor can forward your request to the municipality. The Municipality will ensure that all changes are in accordance with municipal by-laws. A municipal permit will be issued if they do. This municipal permit will be required for your surveyor to send the official request for modification to the Quebec Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources.

N.B.: Please note that if your property is located in an agricultural zone, an authorization request must be made to the Commission de protection du territoire agricole du Québec before any changes can be made to the Quebec cadastre..

CPTAQ – Commission de protection du territoire agricole du Québec

Generally speaking, when a property is located in an agricultural zone, a municipality cannot issue a permit for construction, subdivision or change of use, unless the owner can obtain authorization from the Commission de protection du territoire agricole du Québec (CPTAQ) through a CPTAQ application.


To declare a right

You must send all the documents supporting your declaration of right to the Urban Planning Department, which must complete a section of the CPTAQ form. The Urban Planning Department will forward your declaration to the CPTAQ.


To apply for an authorization

The documents required to submit your application to the CPTAQ must be forwarded to the Urban Planning Department. This application will have to be the subject of a recommendation by the municipal council before being forwarded to the CPTAQ. The Urban Planning Department will forward your request for authorization to the CPTAQ once the resolution is available.

Consult the CPTAQ website

To discuss your project, please contact the Urban Planning Department by phone at 819-455-2401 or by e-mail at urbanisme@municipalitepontiac.ca.

Site Planning and Architectural Integration Program (PIIA)

Certain municipal sectors are affected by the Site Planning and Architectural Integration Program (PIIA) bylaw. Affected sectors must undergo a qualitative assessment for certain types of work at the time of a permit or certificate application according to specific evaluation criteria.


Zone 56 – Domaines des chutes

For work requiring an analysis with the PIIA. The documents to be provided and the criteria are : Consult the Site Planning and Architectural Integration Program bylaw.

To discuss your project, please contact the Urban Planning Department by phone at 819-455-2401 or by e-mail at urbanisme@municipalitepontiac.ca.

RenoRegion Program

The Société d'habitation du Québec (SHQ) has set up the RénoRégion program, whose objective is to financially assist low- and moderate-income homeowners living in rural areas to carry out work to correct major defects in their homes. The SHQ provides the funding and the MRC des Collines-de-l'Outaouais is the agent.


For more information, visit the MRC des Collines-de-L’Outaouais' website or contact Annik Jolette at the MRC des Collines at 819-827-0516, extension 2290.


If you would like additional information, you can also consult the Société d’Habitation du Québec's website.

FAQ / Urbanism - Municipality of Pontiac

When can I install a temporary car shelter?

According to the zoning by-law, temporary car shelters are allowed between October 15 and April 15 (Article 4.3.7).

RÈGLEMENT DE ZONAGE – N0. 177-01 | Municipalité de Pontiac


What are the rules for renting my property on Airbnb?

You can rent your property if it is your primary residence. For rentals of 30 days or less, ensure that the zoning permits C3 or C4 uses.

RÈGLEMENT DE ZONAGE – N0. 177-01 | Municipalité de Pontiac

Do I need a permit to install a pool?

A permit is required whether the pool is temporary or permanent. Make sure to follow safety regulations, and note that the permit includes the deck and/or fence, if needed.


Do I need a permit to build a shed (secondary building)?

Yes, a permit application is mandatory for the construction of a shed.


What are the restrictions on using a trailer?

The regulations limit the use of trailers for habitation purposes (Article 4.1.6).

RÈGLEMENT DE ZONAGE – N0. 177-01 | Municipalité de Pontiac

What is septic tank pumping proof, and why is it important?

Septic tank pumping proof is a document confirming the regular pumping of your septic tank. This is crucial to ensure the proper functioning of your system and to protect the environment.

Make sure to send the invoice and payment receipt to the Urbanism Department by email at urbanisme@municipalitepontiac.ca, by mail, or in person.




What is the authority of the Designated Officer?

The designated officer of the Municipality can carry out inspections at any time to ensure compliance with building regulations. You must allow them to visit and provide all necessary information for their work.


Am I required to obtain a building permit?

Yes, in accordance with By-law 176-01 of our municipality, no construction, renovation, or modification project is allowed without a building permit issued by the Municipality.
