Our Services / Bylaws
- Declaration of services to the public
- Policy A-1 Financial assistance
- Performance evaluation policy for contractors
- Policy on the Rental of Municipal Faclities
- Procedure for receiving and reviewing complaints in connection with the awarding of a contract
- Seniors' policy
- Pricing policy for the two libraries of the Municipality of Pontiac
- Family policy
- Policy for the recognition and support to community-based organizations
« The bylaws shall remain in effect until such time as they are abrogated, modified or standardized. Only copies certified by the Municipality are binding».
Please note that in the event of a discrepancy between the bylaws posted on the municipal website and the official bylaws held at the municipal offices, the official bylaws shall prevail.
Administration and interpretation of urban planning bylaws
Bylaw 176-01 – Administration and interpretation of urban planning bylaws
Bylaw 24-13 Definition of natural high water lines
Bylaw 14-RM-01 concerning alarms
Mayor's severance allowance
By-law 104-90 concerning the Mayor's severance allowance
Bylaw 21-RM-02 concerning animals
Bylaw 12-22 concerning laying hens
Public notices
Private roads
Bylaw 16-24 to repeal and replace bylaw 09-24, concerning light maintenance service on private roads open to the public by tolerance
Bylaw 09-22 concerning the maintenance of private roads open to the public by tolerance
Bylaw 04-24 to repeal bylaw 12-03 concerning tolerance roads
Bylaw 06-04 (2006) concerning private roads
Bylaw 01-07 stipulating the conditions to municipalize roads
Bylaw 01-02 regarding taking charge of roads
Bylaw 10-02 regarding the taking over of roads for security reasons
Bylaw 180-01 concerning the partial closure of Terry-Fox Road
Bylaw 11-02 concerning the closure of part of Delorme Road
Traffic and parking
By-law 14-23 decreeing the closure and abolition of a portion of Saint-Patrick Street - Lot 5 815 807
By-law 118-93 relating to traffic as well as related offenses and fines
Bylaw 152-98 concerning heavy vehicle traffic
Bylaw 11-03 concerning heavy vehicle traffic on a bridge or viaduct
Bylaw 04-17 regarding truck and heavy vehicle traffic
Bylaw 13-09 concerning all-terrain vehicle traffic
Bylaw 06-04 prohibiting the parking of heavy vehicles in zone 19
Bylaw 08-11 concerning snowmobile traffic
Bylaw 13-07 concerning the speed limit on certain municipal roads
Bylaw 04-12 concerning the speed limit on certain municipal roads
Bylaw 10-14 concerning the speed limit in school zones
Bylaw 10-12 concerning the speed limit in school zones
Bylaw 19-13 concerning the speed limit on Papineau Road
Bylaw 05-14 concerning the speed limit on Westbrook Road
Bylaw 11-14 concerning the speed limit on Terry-Fox Road
Bylaw 09-16 concerning the speed limit on Sapinière and du Lac Roads, and des Plages Avenue
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
Bylaw 03-22 concerning the code of ethics and professional conduct for municipal employees
Bylaw-02-22 concerning the code of ethics and professional conduct for members of the municipal council
Bylaw 02-13 concerning the code of ethics and professional conduct for members of the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC)
Bylaw 07-24 concerning the operation of the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC)
Bylaw 02-24 Agreements in relation with municipal work
Bylaw 179-01 – Construction
Bylaw 07-03 - Area of land use
Bylaw 07-04 - setbacks along Route 148
Bylaw 162-99 specifying the authorization, use and occupation of property for the construction of a public day care centre
Bylaw 04-02 St-Dominique Church
Municipal Court
Bylaw 140-96 Municipal Court
Bylaw 150-97 removal of the territory of the Municipality of Pontiac from the jurisdiction of the Municipal Court of the City of Aylmer
Bylaw 151-97 authorizing an agreement to delegate to an M.R.C. the jurisdiction to establish a joint municipal court
Bylaw 06-09 Municipal Court Agreement
Delegation of authority
Bylaw 173-01 concerning the appointment of persons qualified to issue tickets
Bylaw 06-17 on the additional powers and duties of the Director General
Minor variances
Bylaw 05-24 concerning minor variances in the Municipality of Pontiac
Electoral districts
Bylaw 07-16 - redistribution of electoral districts
Water, sewer and septic systems
Bylaw 05-03 Regarding the collection of underground water
Bylaw 12-14 to govern the use of drinking water
Bylaw 01-09 concerning sewer connections
Bylaw 08-22 for the maintenance of tertiary ultraviolet disinfection treatment systems
Bylaw 09-03 concerning septic tank inspections and certificates
Bylaw 06-10 - paving of certain roads in the Municipality of Pontiac
Bylaw 09-17 - Lusk project
Borrowing bylaw 03-03 - construction of wastewater treatment system
Bylaw 03-15 to refinance borrowing bylaw 03-03
Borrowing bylaw 15-10 - for the upgrading of drinking water treatment facilities in the Village of Quyon
Bylaw 04-13 decreeing an expense of $ 60,000.00 and a loan of $ 60,000.00 - connection of a water pipe
Bylaw 02-14 to modify bylaw 04-13
Borrowing bylaw 05-16 Quyon Community Centre
Bylaw 10-09 decreeing a loan and an expense for the expansion of the town hall
Borrowing bylaw 05-02 - tanker truck
Borrowing bylaw 22-13 - tanker truck
Borrowing bylaw 02-17 for fire fighting vehicles
Borrowing bylaw 06-07 purchase of a grader
Borrowing bylaw 01-16 - grader
Borrowing bylaw 06-14 - Davis and Soulière Roads
Borrowing bylaw 06-13 - Lavigne Road
Borrowing bylaw 05-10 Cedarvale Road
Borrowing bylaw 07-10 Panorama and McCaffrey Roads
Borrowing bylaw 06-11 Omkar and Marquis Roads
Borrowing bylaw 30-13 Cedarvale Road
Borrowing bylaw 05-15 – roadworks
Borrowing bylaw 03-16 - road network rehabilitation
Borrowing bylaw 03-19 decreeing capital expenditures and a loan of $2,000,000.00
Borrowing bylaw 02-21 concerning an umbrella borrowing by-law to decree capital expenditures and a loan of $2,000,000.00
Umbrella borrowing Bylaw 03-23 to decree capital expenditures and a loan of $1 500 000,00
Umbrella borrowing Bylaw 02-23 décrétant une dépense et un emprunt de 1 000 000,00$ pour l’achat de véhicules et d’équipements pour le service de Travaux publics
Outdoor fires
Bylaw 21-RM-05 – pour édicter les normes relatives à la sécurité incendie
Finances and funds
Bylaw 01-23 establishing the tax rates and fees for services for the year 2023
Bylaw 13-22 to cancel the Borrowing Bylaws 04-22, 05-22 and 06-22
Bylaw 06-08 enacting rules for budgetary control and monitoring
Bylaw 138-95 - Special Fund - Water and Sewer Systems
Bylaw 06-02 - working capital
Bylaw 04-10 to transfer sums from the general surplus to the working capital
Bylaw 05-13 - local fund reserved for the repair and maintenance of certain public roads
Bylaw 06-13 to increase the working capital
Bylaw 17-13 financial reserve - fire prevention and control
Daycare centre
Bylaw 07-22 - authorization for a public day care centre
Contract management
Bylaw 03-21 - contrat management
Bylaw 07-15 - authority to award contracts for the provision of professional services
Bylaw 08-12 - municipal works
Waste management
Bylaw 09-23 concerning the waste collection
Fire and first responders
Bylaw 21-RM-05 fire safety
Bylaw 14-07 concerning the installation and storage of propane tanks
Bylaw 01-17 concerning the establishment of a fire safety service
Bylaw 27-13 landslides
Bylaw 178-01 - subdivision
Bylaw 28-13 relating to the transfer of land, applicable to the issuance of a subdivision permit
Civic numbers
Bylaw 156-98 authorizing the Municipality of Pontiac to provide and maintain a civic address network
Nuisances and building maintenance
Bylaw 03-24 – normes relatives à l’occupation et l’entretien des bâtiments
Bylaw 06-24 – relatif aux nuisances
Permits and certificates
Bylaw 03-08 - business permits
Private pools
Bylaw 01-08 - safety design of private swimming pools
Site Planning and Architectural Integration Plan
Bylaw 18-24 to repeal bylaw 605-2016 pertaining to the site planning and architectural intergration programs
Master plan - Urban planning
Bylaw 175-01 - master plan
Bylaw 08-03 concerning dead-end roads
Bylaw 02-04 bicycle paths and non-motorized recreational trails
Bylaw 162-99 Construction - daycare
Internal management of the municipal Council
Bylaw 11-22 modifying bylaw 06-19 - internal management
Bylaw 05-09 concerning the procedures for council meetings
Bylaw 06-19 - internal management of council meetings
Remuneration of elected officials
Bylaw 17-24 - Remuneration of municipal elected officials
Mobile canteen
Bylaw 02-09 - operation of mobile canteens
Tax rates and pricing
Bylaw 01-24 establishing the tax rates and the pricing of services of the year 2024
Bylaw 12-23 to repeal and replace by-law 12-09 concerning a tax imposition to finance 9-1-1 call centers
Draft - Taxation Bylaw 01-23 establishing the tax rates and fees for services for the year 2023
Bylaw 146-97 - imposition of a tariff for a 9-1-1 emergency call center
Bylaw-04-05 - imposition of a tariff for a 9-1-1 emergency call center
Bylaw 17-16 - pricing waste management
Bylaw 05-18 - pricing for an intervention by the fire protection service
Bylaw 06-15 - special maintenance tax on the Ferris agricultural watercourse, Bélisle branch and branches # 1, 2, 3 and 4
Bylaw 07-14 – imposition and levy of charges for water and sewer extensions and connections
Bylaw 08-24 concerncing the pricing of goods and services at the Municipality of Pontiac
Bylaw 11-23 concerning specific construction, alteration or occupancy proposal for an immovable (SCAOPI)
Bylaw 177-01 - zoning
Bylaw 177-01-02-2021 (second draft) modifying bylaw 177-01 - abrogating section 3.3.5 - addition of the usage of mini warehouses
Bylaw 177-01-03-2018 - protection of shorelines
Bylaw 177-01-02-2018 - non-conforming lots and buildings
Bylaw 177-01-01-2018 amending by-law 177-01 - use R1-1
Bylaw 177-01-03-2017 amending by-law 177-01 - R2 use
Bylaw 177-01-02-2017 - bi-generational housing
Bylaw 177-01-01-2016 amending zoning by-law number 177-01 - zone (56)
177-01-02-2016 work in flood zone
Bylaw 26-13 New standards - Landslide prone areas
Bylaw 01-11 amending the Specifications Grid and Zoning Plan PZ-01
Bylaw-03-02 - community, cultural and service facilities
Bylaw 09-04 Intervention in flood zones
Bylaw 08-04 – To reduce distance for the high water line
Bylaw 25-13 - protection of shorelines
- Zone 1
- Zone 2
- Zone 3
- Zone 4
- Zone 5
- Zone 6
- Zone 7
- Zone 8
- Zone 9
- Zone 10
- Zone 11
- Zone 12
- Zone 13
- Zone 14
- Zone 15
- Zone 16
- Zone 17
- Zone 18
- Zone 19
- Zone 20
- Zone 21
- Zone 22
- Zone 23
- Zone 24
- Zone 25
- Zone 26
- Zone 27
- Zone 28
- Zone 29
- Zone 30
- Zone 31
- Zone 32
- Zone 33
- Zone 34
- Zone 35
- Zone 37
- Zone 38
- Zone 39
- Zone 40
- Zone 41
- Zone 42
- Zone 43
- Zone 44
- Zone 45
- Zone 46
- Zone 47
- Zone 48
- Zone 49
- Zone 50
- Zone 54
- Zone 55
- Zone 56
- Zone 200
- Zone 201
- Zone 202
- Zone 203
- Zone 204
- Zone 205
- Zone 206
- Zone 207
- Zone 208
- Zone 209
Public peace and good order
22-RM-04 Peace and good order