Forms and permit applications
Citizens / Forms and permit applications
Reservation forms
Forms pertaining to 'tolerance' roads
For a request for financial assistance
- Name of the registered and recognized organization
- Financial statements as at December 31st
- Application for financial assistance - special project
For a request to take over the maintenance of a 'tolerance' road
- Request for taking over the the maintenance of a 'tolerance' road
- Name of the registered and recognized organization
Various forms
- Application for a minor variance
- Job application - Municipality of Pontiac
- Job application - Pontiac Fire Department
- Registration for propane tank storage (100 lbs tank)
- Request for access to documents held by public bodies
- Application for low-rental apartment
- Request for Service - Water and Sewer
- Request for change of mailing address - municipal taxes
Permit application
In the case of new a construction (whether for a main building, secondary buildings such as a carport, shed or garage and agricultural buildings), demolition, subdivision, expansion, renovation, change of use, septic installation, tree cutting, driveway, fence, sign, low wall, pool, patio, porch, dock, well, gazebo, etc.
- Appendix A (written power of attorney)
- Appendix B (pool and secondary building application)
- Application for a permit renewal
- Application for a building or subdivision permit in a landslide zone
- Application for a certificate to operate a business
- Application to authorize a change of use
- Application for an alarm system permit
Application for authorization
Forms regarding organizations or associations
To access the forms and to find out the procedure to follow, please click here.