Finances and Taxation

Citizens / Finances and Taxation

General information

Finance department

The Finance department assists and supports Council in the preparation of annual budgets. It generates financial statements, administers the Municipality's funds in accordance with the provisions set forth in borrowing by-laws or other programs and policies, and compiles data and statistics and conducts analyses.

It ensures the essential operations concerning taxation and tax collection, the payroll, accounts receivable and accounts payable.

Taxation department

The tax department ensures the daily operations pertaining to taxes and the tax collection. It processes data, ensuring the database is up to date.


It sees to it that all monies paid to the municipality for general or special taxes, various accounts and other revenues are deposited.

Your tax payment

As you may already know, your municipal taxes are payable via Internet through most financial institutions.

To be noted


If you’re paying via Internet, in order to ensure that your payment reaches us, you must include the numbers 82030 followed by the letter F, and your roll number which is comprised of 10 digits, for a total of 16 spaces. Thank you.



It is very important to inscribe on the back of your cheque, the number of your invoice, the roll number or the address of the property for which you are sending a payment.

In addition, when moving, it is important that you inform us of your new address as soon as possible.

To avoid additional fees of 13% (interest) and 5% (penalties), please keep in mind the deadlines for paying municipal taxes:

  • March 1st
  • June 1st
  • August 1st
  • October 1st

Sending tax reminders

Please note that tax reminders will no longer be monthly. From now on, the mailing will be done 4 times a year in order to save on mailing costs.

Sale of property - for failure of paying taxes

Properties are sold at public auction in accordance with Section 1026 of the Municipal Code, usually in December of each year.


À déterminer

For more information: Sale of properties - for failure of paying taxes

Municipal budget




There was an error in the last publication of the November 25, 2020 public notice regarding the adoption of the budget. Citizens interested in attending the municipal council proceedings on this matter should submit their attendance and questions by noon on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, rather than November 10, 2020.

Financial reports


At the end of the municipal fiscal year, the financial report, the auditor’s report and the Auditor general’s report, if applicable, are tabled at a council meeting by the treasurer or secretary-treasurer. These reports must then be sent to the Minister of Municipal Affairs no later than April 30th.

Other reports

Call for tenders

Invitation to tender


Tendering process on SEAO Website

"The Quebec government's official site for tenders"


The links to the SEAO (Electronic system for posting calls for tender) Web site found bellow allow you to consult the calls for tender for contracts worth $100,000 and over as well as the list of contracts awarded by the Municipality.